
Algae testing is crucial to monitor water quality and safety. Excess algal growth can mean nutrient pollution is present, leading to algal blooms. Algal blooms are known to create toxins harmful to humans and ecosystems. Regular algae testing helps water treatment facilities take steps to prevent these events.

Alkalinity testing is used to assess the water’s capacity to resist changes in pH, an indicator of overall stability. Accurate alkalinity testing allows for the optimization of chemical dosing, meeting regulatory standards, and reducing corrosion and scaling in water lines and systems.

Ammonia testing is essential to prevent elevated ammonia concentrations in water. Ammonia, a nitrogen compound, can be harmful to consumers and ecosystems. Rigorous ammonia testing is critical for water treatment facilities to ensure compliance with environmental regulations, and to safeguard the health of consumers and aquatic environments.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) testing is used to measure the amount of organic matter present in water that can be biologically oxidized. A good indicator of pollution, high BOD values can mean oxygen levels are in danger of depletion, potentially harming aquatic life. BOD monitoring is used to guide water treatment processes, ensuring the protection of water quality and ecosystems.

Chlorine in the water industry is commonly used for disinfection, destroying harmful microorganisms in water. Accurate chlorine testing is needed to ensure appropriate levels are in place to guarantee safe drinking water. Strict monitoring of chlorine level is required to adjust dosages, maintain water quality standards, and safeguard public health.

Coliform testing is critical to determining the presence and concentration of fecal contamination in a water supply. Public health and safety depend on the effective mitigation of harmful pathogens. Careful monitoring of coliform allows operators to take corrective actions to ensure water intended for consumption is free from harmful microorganisms and meets all regulatory and quality standards.

Conductivity testing measures the ability to conduct an electric current and indicates the overall salinity and purity of water. Conductivity testing is used in identifying contaminants and ensure regulatory compliance. Consistent testing allows operators to optimize treatment plans, ensuring public safety and well-being.

Dissolved oxygen (DO) testing measures the amount of oxygen dissolved in water, a critical parameter for aquatic organisms. When DO is too low, loss of oxygen-sensitive aquatic life and anaerobic conditions can happen. Monitoring DO levels is crucial to understanding ecosystem health, refining water treatment, and complying with environmental regulations.

Escherichia coli (E. coli) testing aids in detecting and quantifying harmful pathogens due to the presence of fecal matter. Rigorous testing for E. coli is essential to comply with regulatory standards, ensure the water supply is safe for consumption, and protect public health and safety.

Fluoride testing is used in the water industry to determine the concentration of fluoride ions in drinking water. Fluoride, in tightly controlled levels, is an aid to public dental health. Testing ensures optimal fluoride levels, compliance with regulatory standards, and meeting public health objectives.

Iron testing determines the presence and concentration of iron in water. If iron is too high, water can have an unpleasant taste and odor and damage distribution systems and end-use facilities and property. Regular iron testing allows operators to optimize water treatment to prevent high iron levels and provide pleasing and safe water for consumers.

Nitrates/nitrites testing is important to the water industry. High levels in a water source can mean excess agricultural runoff or wastewater contamination, leading to public health concerns and possible negative environmental impacts. Regular testing helps identify contamination sources, meet regulatory standards, and safeguard public health and ecological balance.

Orthophosphates testing measures orthophosphate ions, which are indicators of phosphorus levels. Phosphorus, in excess, contributes to harmful algal blooms and poor water quality. Monitoring orthophosphates allows for effective nutrient management by water treatment facilities.

Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) testing measures overall oxidative or reducing conditions of water by measuring electron activity. ORP testing is important to understand the water’s capacity to neutralize contaminants and prevent growth of microbes. This helps treatment facilities tightly control the disinfection of water.

pH testing measures the acidity or alkalinity of water, a fundamental factor in chemical and biological processes in aquatic ecosystems. Balancing pH levels is critical to provide accurate water treatment processes, prevent corrosion or scaling in distribution systems, and comply with regulatory standards.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) testing detects and quantifies these organic compounds, helping to identify the source of these environmental pollutants. Regular testing aids regulatory compliance, informs remediation efforts, and safeguards public and ecosystem health and well-being.

SOUR (Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate) testing is used to help determine the rates of biological treatment of wastewater. This aids the assessment of water quality and treatment efficiency. SOUR testing is needed to optimize treatment, prevent oxygen depletion, and maintain a healthy aquatic environment.

Temperature testing in the water industry is critical to natural ecosystems and industrial processes alike. Temperature variations affect the solubility of gases, microbe activity, overall health of ecosystems, and can also negatively affect industrial processes. Temperature monitoring is needed to assess the impact of human activities, guide water treatment plans, and ensure regulatory compliance.

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) testing measures the total inorganic and organic substances dissolved in water. If TDS levels are too high, this can affect the taste, appearance, and overall quality of drinking water. TDS testing allows treatment to optimize their processes, comply with regulatory standards, and water quality that meets health and aesthetic expectations.

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) testing measures solid particles suspended in water. Too high can affect water quality, clarity, and potentially, safety. Elevated TSS can create aesthetic issues, reduce light penetration in ecosystems, and impair water treatment processes. Strict TSS testing ensures water quality, regulatory compliance and efficient treatment plans.

Turbidity testing measures cloudiness or haziness of water. High turbidity levels can reduce effectiveness of water treatment, light penetration for an ecosystem, and signal potential contamination. Regular testing is vital for improved water clarity, treatment efficiency, and meeting regulatory and safety standards.